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The Narasaki Sangyo Group established the three-year medium-term management plan “Dash Forward 2023,” for which fiscal 2023 is the final year of the plan. While keeping in mind an approach based on the three basic strategies of “Promotion of growth strategy,” “Strengthening competitiveness through business collaboration” and “Strengthening management foundation” and meeting the diversifying needs of the markets and our customers, we will engage in united group-wide efforts toward achieving our consolidated performance targets, and link these results to the next medium-term management plan.

Furthermore, we have placed complete compliance and perfection of our corporate governance system as our most important tasks and we are building up our company group to be one that is trusted and valued by all of our stakeholders and society.

代表取締役社長兼社長執行役員 中村 克久
Katsuhisa Nakamura
President and Representative Director